Quality Improvement
QI Faculty: Dr. Daniela Diaz and Dr. Heather Paladine
Meets 9am every other Friday
Lifecycle of a QI Project
1) Hone in on an area of focus
Use stakeholder interviews to help select an area of focus with potential for impact and support (continue to do stakeholder interviews in all steps)
Brief how-to guide for stakeholder interviews
Conduct background literature search for context about benchmarking and best thinking in the field around this area of focus
Obtain baseline data
2-minute video describing a SMART aim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Mi9_XEXQqc
Worksheet on making a SMART aim: Smart Aim Statement Worksheet
2) Understand and Describe your CURRENT STATE
Use various tools such as Process Maps/Flowcharts, Fishbone (aka Ishikawa) Diagrams, Key Driver Diagram
Avoid jumping to conclusions about interventions during this step
3) Decide on and try out different interventions using PDSA cycles
PLAN: Use change concepts to brainstorm ideas for interventions, decide what data you will need to collect
DO: Select a start date and institute you intervention. gather your data
STUDY: Analyze your data, add to your RUN CHART
How to create a Run Chart; Run Chart Template
ACT: Decide if you will Adopt, Adapt or Abandon this intervention
IHI Modules
IHI (Institute for Healthcare Improvement) Modules
Make sure you configure your IHI Profile correctly in order to have access to the Open School Modules
The critical step is setting your Primary Role to Resident / Intern and your organization to New York Presbyterian or some variant thereof.
Open School: complete modules 101-105 by end of the first year, complete full IHI basic certification by end of second year
The Open School’s Basic Certificate in Quality and Safety comprises 13 essential courses, indicated with an asterisk(*) in the online learning tab
The Open School’s Basic Certificate in Quality and Safety comprises 13 essential courses, indicated with an asterisk(*) in the online learning tab
Previous Years Team Google Docs and Projects
Team 1: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NK5NM4c20bP0wVkJnufBqYWhRddIgkhvF9Ae40iJXcE/edit?usp=sharing
Team 2: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p9Pt38AXkPbFjka6HlJleUoSRdefE79WFGRWpgbvUvk/edit?usp=sharing
Final presentations: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15ISr7_LWZ2TzPhEXiQCj35ODac-GAiGEZJPvjwEkuFQ/edit?usp=sharing
Team 1: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h5yqqlUZVb8UbBk07Nf7ZHI44lSyHJ2gac2gCMtuPbg/edit?usp=sharing
Team 2: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Wp3QbmnyG8W15FIMkE7QyqkhrCjU60EcF_uh0yLzxgo/edit?usp=sharing
Team 3: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e08ofcEXU4vJFGr3WHX5NkncrCra44n33JaulpWM6W4/edit?usp=sharing
Team 1: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FlxUIG1b1VXIR6TgKMEmG1-071g11VGdA1Yh5s-FCxA/edit?usp=sharing
Team 2: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16KLUOvgRKOgJ6sQUZKnezlx6I2xmI4x1ZtRFk_VG4kY/edit?usp=sharing
Team 3: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xTBFXYIhkcZ_EuEDKvY9CeJTXR-s63A0QPKIyfnwVcE/edit?usp=sharing
STFM QI Missed Appointments Poster
Important Reading
To Err is Human (1999): nap.nationalacademies.org/resource/9728/To-Err-is-Human-1999--report-brief.pdf
Crossing the Quality Chasm (2001): nap.nationalacademies.org/read/10027/chapter/2
Hand-Off and Documentation Tools
JGME Article - How to Write Up QI for Publication
Examples of Outside QI Projects
Article on Hepatitis C screening
Postpartum depression screening at Broadway ACN