Emergency Medicine

Rotation Liaisons

Dr. Alice Beckman

Email: ab5186@cumc.columbia.edu 

EM Rotation Liaisons

EM Chief Residents: nypemchiefs@gmail.com (specify "Columbia" in subject line)     

Chief resident on Call: 17242

Chief residents do all scheduling

EM Faculty: Dr. Sayan Osman

Rotation Goals

Rotation Objectives

Rotation Objectives: (You will be evaluated on these. In parentheses are the relevant ACGME milestones for reference)

ED Schedule

Rotation Expectations: Before you begin!

**You must watch this orientation video prior to starting the rotation: ED orientation video

**All shifts in the emergency department belong to family medicine and must always be covered. 

Week 1-4

Week 4

ED Rotation Activities: ED SHIFTS


ED Rotation Activities: FHC Sessions

FHC Sessions: WED and THURS AM FHC sessions

ED Rotation Activities: FMIS Coverage 

FMIS Coverage: 

Helpful TIPS for ED Rotation

Printing an ED List:


Helpful Links:


Lock combos:


General Tips:

Resident Evaluation Process 

Rotation Evaluation 

Your feedback is important and invited. 

Please complete the end of rotation evaluation on medhub.

Informal feedback can be provided to Dr. Beckman